Hear ye, hear ye! I come bearing news from the hinterlands!

I am extremely pleased to announce that starmen’s own HCchicken has successfully completed the time-honored 1/128 challenge! Reports of this exploit made a buzz in the community, and we were able to reach several community members for comment:
I haven't seen someone pull off a 1/128 challenge in quite some time! Very impressive! - Boots
Whoooooooooooooaaaa! - vid
You beat up the town bullies (and everything else!), punched them out big time, kicked their butts, bit their heads off, spit in their eyes, and made them wet their pants. Then you forced them to promise not to make any more trouble. Thank you! - The Mayor
wow - Head admin Rhyselinn
For the uninitiated, the 1/128 challenge consists of getting every single RARE ITEM in an unmodified copy of EarthBound. The challenge gets its namesake from the infamous fact that the drop rate for these items is… 0.7% per encounter; not for the faint of heart! There are 25 enemies that drop 1/128 items, which means that in order to join the ranks of the esteemed players who conquered this challenge, you must successfully hit the 0.7% odds 25 times over the course of your playthrough.
As evidenced in the discussion thread, HCchicken worked tirelessly through the night to successfully complete the challenge on March 4th, 2025 in just 22 days! I’m not sure we ever kept records for doing the challenge quickly, but this is quite the impressive feat of endurance! Please head on over to the thread to congratulate HCchicken on their accomplishment, and if you enjoyed this, don’t forget that some of these gameplay challenges were featured in the EBFGPS 2024 livestreams, so check them out if you want to see just what it takes to be a super player!